Panoramic Pescadero

Pigeon Point Light House

For anyone who has never been to Pescadero, CA, I recommend you go there the next time you find yourself with free time. It’s about an hour south of San Francisco on Cabrillo Highway/CA 1 South. It’s beautiful and serene. Endless miles of beaches stretch out from North to South in a dizzying fashion. It was dizzying (and dangerous, if I’m being honest) because I kept looking at the coast while driving. Never ever do this while driving. Period.

Anyway, we celebrated my dad’s birthday here in Pescadero instead of the usual, boring dinner at home. My sister and I researched and planned the itinerary. We decided to make Pigeon Point Lighthouse our first stop. It was very cold and foggy when we got there. We all decided to have breakfast first before checking out the light house. Yes, we prepared egg croissant sandwiches, coffee and orange juice for everyone πŸ™‚ The light house is sitting on this bluff overlooking the Pacific and the views were just magnificent so naturally the photomongers (otherwise known as my family) went nuts after we had our breakfast.

We then moved on to Phipps Country Store and Farm for some fruit picking. I have never done this before (aside from that one hot day in Adria, IT wherein “abbiamo raccolta le patate” – we harvested potatoes). At Phipps, they had ollalieberries and strawberries that were ready for picking (there were still a plenty that were not ready but we had a good haul, nonetheless). Ollalieberries look like blackberries but with a little fuzz and much tarter than the latter.

After Phipps, we went on to the Pie Farm to purchase some organic pies (apple, ollalieberry and walnut pies were available today). The walnut pie was delish! We then, ended up at the Gazos Creek State Beach. Please don’t go here. We want to keep this beach to ourselves. It’s so secluded, Β less crowded, bigger, and much cleaner than the other beaches we have seen. Bean Hollow, Pescadero, San Gregorio and Pompanio State Beaches were all crowded and small-ish compared to Gazos Creek. In fact, as we drove by San Gregorio and Pompanio, their parking lots looked like a mini town fair with all the riff raffs hanging about.

Gazos Creek State Beach


My cousin having fun πŸ™‚

This was our favorite part of the day. My sister, cousins and I sat on the warm sand and just hung out. There was very minimal crowd, the wind was not too cold and the water was clean. It was a perfect day! We will definitely go back here soon. Again, please do not go to Gazos Creek State Beach. Thank you πŸ™‚

Happy travels and Happy 4th!