The quietest walk in London


Call this morbid or macabre, but there is nothing like a languid walk in a cemetery that soothes my weary mind.  The eerie silence helps me hear myself, the sway of the trees, the birds, and the soft crunch of the moist soil and leaves beneath my feet. I suddenly become more aware of my surroundings. I know it sounds weird but I love it.

I find myself researching cemeteries to visit when I plan my vacation. Highgate Cemetery in London had always been on the top of my list. I finally had the chance to visit this cemetery last December. My sister was totally against it but I managed to persuade her to go with me. It won’t take too long, I said. It wouldn’t be creepy or scary, I said. I was wrong about the first one. We stayed at the cemetery for a while. There was so much to see and cover. Plus we paid for the entrance fee. We had to make the most of it.

We only visited the East side, not the West. The western side is bigger and had an actual tour guide. Whereas, the East side is self-guided. It was already getting late so we decided to go with the East cemetery this time. I was definitely thrilled that we did it. Worth.every.second.

Here are some of the photos we took. Hope they inspire you to add Highgate Cemetery to your London itinerary.