Where did October go?

I can’t believe October is almost over and I haven’t posted anything here until now.

Let me count the reasons why October went by in a blur for me.

Reason #1: Work, work, work. I worked so much that I failed to see a movie, hang out with a friend (coffee, dinner, lunch, whatever until last week) or even see my family everyday.
Reason #2: School work overload. As you all know, I am back in school and have been taking online classes since last summer. Balancing work and school is an ongoing challenge and it will remain so until April 2013.
Reason #3: Three fun-filled (and well deserved) days spent in LA. A good friend of mine got married on the 2nd week of October and I was able to spend some quality, albeit short time with my good friends from college whom I haven’t seen since 2005. I sandwiched this fun event between work and school. I am not complaining, really 🙂
Reason #4: Meet, Plan, Go (stay tuned for my next post)
Reason #5: It’s my birthday month!!!

I love October, not only because it’s my birthday month but also it is the start of fall. The foliage in autumn is just magnificent! The crisp, cool air at night complements the Indian summer heat we all experience during the day. It also signifies the start of off-peak season in Europe so it means that plane tickets from now until March will be so much cheaper than spring and high summer months 🙂 I always find myself ruminating on my past travels whenever October rolls in. It makes me want to jump on the next plane and disappear for a couple of weeks somewhere in Europe. How I so wish I can do this now! But, I have big plans for next year so I have to prioritize. Until then, I must and will save some money, work my butt off and study like I have never studied before.

Let’s talk about my birthday 🙂 I managed to find the time to have a nice dinner at home (prepared by moi with a little help from my family). I was ever so grateful to spend my special day with them. Then, my lovely sister took me to Chez Panisse Cafe as her birthday present to me. We had the most fantastic time! The food was thoughtful and tasty. It wasn’t flashy or pretentious, just perfect for me and my sister! Then, my friend Liz and I went to Spruce a few days after for lunch. She brought her adorable baby, Dominic with us and he was such a good, well-adjusted baby who didn’t make a fuss the entire time. Again, excellent food from beginning to end. I can’t think of any other way to spend my birthday month other than with the people I love.

So, this is how my October was spent. How was yours?