French Macarons

My sister and I very recently discovered this  San Francisco-based team called Christopher David. They specialize in French Macarons and offer classic and unique flavors. Given our obsession over these tiny yet magnificent confections, we were so delighted to finally find macarons in San Francisco that could rival Laduree. Of course, Laduree is still the best in my opinion but if we are to compare Paulette, Miette and La Boulange (all San Francisco shops)  macarons to Christopher David, CD definitely wins this one. Unfortunately, they don’t have a retail shop but they do supply macarons for Sandbox Bakery in Bernal Heights (another great find but we’ll talk about Sandbox later) and SF Underground Market (to quote their website, SF Underground Market is ” a venue where you can taste and purchase the food that is being produced in backyards and homekitchens in the Bay Area”). You can send special orders via their website We popped by Sandbox last Tuesday and bought 10 macarons (salted pistachio and butterscotch). They were decadent, chewy and just melt-in-your-mouth fantastic! Just to prove that we thoroughly enjoyed the macarons, we went back the next day to buy more. It’s so nice to have a tiny little bit of Paris in Bernal Heights.

My friend Tina swears that Pierre Herme in Paris offers the best macarons. I did my best to find Pierre Herme last time I was in Paris but my efforts were in futility. Until I have tasted Pierre Herme macarons, I will still consider Laduree as the best macaron. After spending too much time eating these things in London and Paris, my sister and I agreed that our favorite flavors were caramel with salted butter, chocolate and pistachio (as pictured above). We also enjoyed madagascar chocolate, orange blossom, vanilla and coffee. It’s also a delight to grab a table in any of their shops because of their colorful charm and decor. It’s too bad they prohibit taking pictures inside their shops. It would have been nice to share those photos, too.You can check our their website for more info and inspiration 🙂

Happy reading!